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Coldness Research Background

by Shawkea USA |


Research has shown that there is a strong relationship between female coldness and infertility. In a statistical analysis of 1000 people, male coldness accounted for 15.3%, and female coldness accounted for 32.6%. Studies indicate that the main symptom of coldness is vasomotor neuropathy caused by disorders of the autonomic nervous function.

For women, menstruation symptoms such as edema and anxiety are related to increased coldness.

The survey showed that many women reported pain and edema during menstruation, which can be accompanied by coldness and lower back pain. These reports are based on mature women, and the data shows that coldness is one of the main causes of infertility.

Basal body temperature is one of the standard indicators determining overall female fertility. A large number of clinical studies confirms that the uterine artery and ovarian blood flow state will have a great impact on fertility when a woman has a low basal body temperature.  

The Japanese Health and Welfare Hospital Shizuoka Branch showed that that administration of Shawkea T-1 before transplanting embryos can increase the saturated concentration of oxygen in tissues and improve coldness, thereby improving fertility.

Objectives and methods:

  • 55 persons(Male 10 persons, Female 45 persons)
  • Divided into two groups: Coldness(30 persons)and None coldness (25 persons)
  • 30 minutes after taking Shawkea T-1: Temperature on body surface, deep body temperature, arterial blood oxygen saturation, oxygen saturation in tissues
    Shawkea arterial blood oxygen saturation


    To read more about the relationship between female coldness and infertility, please click here.